APVEL – Evaluation of specialised outpatient palliative care
>Federal Joint Committee | Innovation Fund

EvaluationSupply curves
The PMV research groupe was involved in the APVEL-Project – Evaluation of specialised outpatient palliative care in the North Rhine area. APVEL was funded by the Innovation Fund of the Joint Federal Committee G-BA and investigated the palliative care of people shortly before death in their domestic or family environment. The overall aim was to evaluate the current directive on specialized outpatient palliative care (SAPV) and to generate recommendations for further developments. The SAPV is prescribed by a doctor and includes medical, nursing, psychological and other services as required, as well as their coordination. The practitioners providing treatment must have specific knowledge and experience and must work closely together.
In order to reach this goal, APVEL is using a variation of methods. Health care providers were interviewed as well as palliative patients and their relatives.
The task of PMV in APVEL was the evaluation of claims data of AOK Rheinland/Hamburg. The focus was set on people who lived in the region of the nothern Rhine (Cologne and Düsseldorf) and who died between the years 2014 and 2016. The aim of the analysis was, among others, to evaluate how many people recieved palliative care in their last year of living, how close to death palliative care began and if specific types of diseases were more likely to be treated by palliative care. The project is completed and the results are published.
The final report and the decision of the Innovation Committee of the Federal Joint Committee will be available here.
Duration: 2017–2019
Project partners: University of Cologne (PMV research group) | University Clinic Cologne | University Clinic Bonn
Funding reference number: 01VSF16007
Methods: Evaluation, Statistical Analyses
Topics: Supply curves, Disease incidence
Data: Claims data
Meyer I.
Versorgungsverläufe im letzten Lebensjahr und Hinweise auf die Zielerreichung ambulanter palliativer Versorgung. Eine Auswertung regionaler GKV-Routinedaten. Abstract zum 18. Deutschen Kongress für Versorgungsforschung, Berlin. 2019;
Meyer I, Schubert I, Ihle P, Fink R, Dortmann O, Sorg CGG.
Patientencharakteristika, Versorgungswege und Inanspruchnahme von SAPV in der Region Nordrhein. Retrospektive Routinedatenanalyse im APVEL-Projekt. Abstract zum 17. Deutschen Kongress für Versorgungsforschung, Berlin. 2018;
Rolke R, Krumm N, Fink R, Hellmich M, Radbruch L, Rietz C, Samel C, Scholten N, Schubert I, Voltz R.
APVEL: Spezialisierte ambulante Palliativversorgung – Evaluation der Wirksamkeit in Nordrhein. Abstract zum 16. Deutschen Kongress für Versorgungsforschung, Berlin. 2017;