Determination of the SHI target population for the indication diabetes mellitus type 2 using SHI routine data

Claims dataDisease incidence
Within the scope of an order of the IQWiG, the SHI target population for the indication diabetes mellitus type 2 was determined using SHI routine data (data transparency (DaTraV) care data of the DIMDI). The following questions were addressed:
Development and definition of suitable criteria for the identification of drug-treated type 2 diabetics and for their allocation to medication groups in routine data analyses, collection of reference values for the prevalence of diabetes mellitus type 2 as well as for different medication groups, and investigation of the effects of the application of different sets of criteria on information on the size of the target population.
Dr. med. Peter Ihle, PMV research group, was involved as an external expert in the design and implementation (script development) of the project.
Duration: 2017–2019
Methods: Statistical Analyses
Topics: Disease incidence, Pharmacotherapy
Data: Claims data, Data preparation