Chronic rheumatic diseases in women of childbearing age
>UCB Pharma GmbH

Statistical AnalysesClaims data
The aim of this study was to characterize women of childbearing age or pregnant women with an inflammatory rheumatic disease (such as rheumatoid arthritis, axial spondyloarthritis, psoriatic arthritis) or psoriasis in terms of prevalence, incidence and treatment of these diseases. Furthermore, the effect of the disease on pregnancy was investigated.
The analysis of drug therapy for women with inflammatory rheumatic diseases or psoriasis is of particular importance due to the teratogenic effect of biologicals. Drug therapy in the pre-conceptional phase and during pregnancy requires special caution. For many of the new drugs, the information on therapeutic safety has so far been insufficient. Furthermore, the disease itself has an influence on the course of pregnancy and vice versa.
The drug therapy of young women was analysed in comparison to men of the same age and with regard to changes before, during and after pregnancy. Furthermore, it was examined whether pregnant women with rheumatic disease differ from pregnant women without this disease.
The data basis for this study were the insured persons of BARMER.
Results of the study were published in 2021 in the journal "Rheumatology and Therapy", as well as at the congress "RheumaPreg".
Duration: 2018–2019
Methods: Statistical Analyses
Topics: Disease incidence, Supply curves, Population health, Pharmacotherapy
Data: Claims data
Blaschke K, Fischer-Betz R, Marschall U, Dombrowsky W, Joeres L, Heidbrede T, Schubert I.
Treatment Patterns and Resource Utilization of Pregnant Women with Inflammatory Rheumatic Diseases or Psoriasis in Germany: A Claims Database Analysis. Rheumatology and Therapy 2021; 8: 1565-1584