CoRe-Net – Cologne Research and Development Network
>Federal Ministry of Education and Research BMBF

Population healthData infrastructure
As part of the Project CoRe-Net, a long-term research and development network is being established in Cologne. The aim is to bring research and practical supply closer together. Therefore, structures to support the exchange with each other were implemented and new, innovative health care research projects in the area of Cologne were made possible. The Faculty of Human Sciences, the Medical Faculty and the Faculty of Management, Economics and Social Sciences of the University of Cologne form part of the network. This interdisciplinary cooperation enables the integration of different perspectives and methods.
An important component is the development of a unique database for health data for Cologne and its citizens. It contains claims data across different health insurance companies, social data and primary data. This data is stored and processed securely in accordance with all data protection rules and is available to researchers for projects upon request.
Currently are four projects carried out as part of CoRe-Net (LYOL-C, MenDis-CHD, OrgValue und K-APAT). These examine the cross-sectoral care of specific patient groups in Cologne. In addition, factors that promote or inhibit patient-centered care are to be identified.
Duration: 2017–2023
Project partners: Faculty of Human Siences, Medical Faculty, Faculty of Management, Economics and Social Sciences of the University of Cologne
Methods: Statistical Analyses
Topics: Population health, Disease incidence, Supply curves
Data: Data infrastructure, Data linkage, Pseudonymisation, Data preparation, Claims data
Markser A, Blaschke K, Meyer I, Jessen F, Schubert I, Albus C on behalf of the CoRe-Net study group.
Claims data analysis of the health care utilization for patients with coronary heart disease and mental comorbidity. Journal of Psychosomatic Research 2023; 172: 111430
Peltzer S, Müller H, Köstler U, Blaschke K, Schulz-Nieswandt F, Jessen F, Albus C, CoRe-Net study group.
Quality of health care with regard to detection and treatment of mental disorders in patients with coronary heart disease (MenDis-CHD): study protocol. BMC Psychology 2019; 7: 21
Strupp J, Hanke G, Schippel N, Pfaff H, Karbach U, Rietz C, Voltz R, et al.
Last Year of Life-study Cologne (LYOL-C): protocoll for a cross-sectional mixed methods study to examine care trajectories and transitions in the last year of life until death. BMJ Open 2018; 8(4): e021211
Scholten N, Ihle P, Pfaff H, Karbach U.
CoRe-Net – Aufbau eines regionalen Kompetenznetzwerks aus Praxis und Forschung – Zwischenstand. Abstract zum 17. Deutschen Kongress für Versorgungsforschung, Berlin. 2018;
Scholten N, Albus C, Ansmann L, Jessen F, Karbach U, Kuntz L, Rietz C, Schubert I, Schulz-Nieswandt F, Stock S, Strupp J, Voltz R, Pfaff H.
CoRe-Net – Cologne Research and Development Network: An interdisciplinary learning network towards value-based care for vulnerable patients. Abstract zum 16. Deutschen Kongress für Versorgungsforschung, Berlin. 2017;