Dent@Prevent – Implementation of claims data & PROMS into (dental) medical care
>Federal Joint Committee | Innovation Fund

Disease incidenceStatistical Analyses
Studies indicate that there are common risk factors for chronic dental diseases and other chronic conditions. This relationship is particularly striking in the case of gingivitis (periodontitis), diabetes and heart disease (coronary heart disease). There is also evidence of insufficient cooperation between human and dental medicine.
The Dent@Prevent-Project aimed to improve cooperation between medical staff within and outside the dental profession. The objective was to ensure that doctors and patients are equally well informed and can thus decide together on how to continue treatment. The first step was to investigate how and why dental and other chronic diseases are related. To this end, scientific articles were systematically evaluated and anonymised claims data from health insurance companies (GKV) were analysed. The PMV research group was responsible for the preparation and analyses of the SHI claims data.
At the same time, a smartphone app was developed that will help to focus treatment decisions more strongly on the individual patient. With the app, patients can, for example, provide individual information on their oral health and general state of health. Together with the results of the literature search and the analysis of health insurance data, this selfinformation flowed into the development of a digital decision support system that supports doctors in planning treatment for individual patients.
The project was funded by the Innovation Fund of the Federal Joint Committee (Gemeinsamer Bundesausschuss G-BA) in Germany.
Duration: 2017–2020
Project partners: Prof. Dr. Dr. Stefan Listl (Radboud university medical center & University Hospital Heidelberg) | Prof. Dr. Martin Hellmich (IMSB, University of Cologne) | Prof. Dr. Petra Knaub (IMBI, University Heidelberg) | Joachim Bentz (SpectrumK GmbH, Berlin) | Dr. Jochen Walker (InGef, Berlin) | Prof. Dr. Winfried Walther (Academy for advanced dental training, Karlsruhe) | Prof. Dr. Bernt-Peter Robra (ISMG, University Magdeburg) | Dr. Joachim Fessler (Guidline Group Hessen, BKK Arztnetz Rhein-Main)
Funding reference number: 01VSF16052
Methods: Statistical Analyses, Literature Research
Topics: Disease incidence, Costs and Benefits
Data: Claims data
Blaschke K, Hellmich M, Samel C, Listl S, Schubert I.
The impact of periodontal treatment on healthcare costs in newly diagnosed diabetes patients: Evidence from a German claims database. Diabetes Research and Clinical Practice 2021; 172: 108641
Blaschke K, Ihle P, Listl S, Schubert I.
Zahnmedizinische Inanspruchnahme und Parodontalbehandlungen bei Patienten mit chronischer Erkrankung: Teilergebnisse aus der Routinedatenanalyse des Projekts Dent@Prevent. Zahnärztliche Mitteilungen 2020;
Blaschke K, Seitz M, Schubert I, Listl S.
Methodological approaches for investigating links between dental and chronic diseases with claims data: a scoping study. Journal of Public Health Dentistry 2019; 79: 334-342
Smits K, Kalmus O, Haux C, Seitz M, van der Zande M, Schubert I, Listl S.
Towards a decision support system to better integrate primary and dental care. International Journal of Integrated Care 2019; 19: 479
Seitz MW, Listl S, Bartols A, Schubert I, Blaschke K, Haux C, Van der Zande MM.
Current knowledge on correlation between highliy prevalent dental conditions and dental diseases: an umbrella review. Preventing Chronic Disease 2019; 16: E132
Seitz MW, Haux C, Knaup P, Schubert I, Listl S.
Approach towards an evidence-oriented knowledge and data acquisition for the optimization of interdisciplinary care in dentistry and general medicine. Studies in Health Technology and Informatics 2018; 247: 671-674
Haux C, Schubert I, Seitz MW, Knaup P, Listl S.
Entwicklung eines Entscheidungsunterstützungssystems zur Verbesserung der interdisziplinären Versorgung von Allgemein- und Zahnmedizin. Forum der Medizin_Dokumentation und Medizin_Informatik 2017; 19: 116-117
Haux C, Schubert I, Ganzinger M, Knaup P, Listl S.
Implementierung von Routinedaten und PROMs in die evidenz-informierte intersektorale (zahn-)medizinische Versorgung. Abstract zum 16. Deutschen Kongress für Versorungsforschung, Berlin. 2017;