Evaluation of the integrated care approache »Gesundes Kinzigtal«
>Gesundes Kinzigtal GmbH

EvaluationCosts and Benefits
The »Gesundes Kinzigtal GmbH« has signed a community-based contract for integrated care IV according to §140 SGB V for the Kinzigtal region with the AOK Baden-Württemberg as well as the LKK Baden-Württemberg. The IV contract »Healthy Kinzigtal« is not only characterised by the population reference and a long term of nine years, but also by extensive accompanying research.
The Evaluation modul had carried out by PMV research group on basis of SHI claims data has the aim to identify under-, over- and missupply in order to evaluate whether the concept of savings contracting, on which the IV contract is based, leads to unintended risk selections and, on the other hand, to check whether the health-related objectives of the project are being achieved.
The project included the beginning of the integrated care as well as the further process.
Duration: 2007–2010
Methods: Evaluation, Statistical Analyses, Regional Analyses
Topics: Costs and Benefits, Population health
Data: Claims data
Schubert I, Siegel A, Köster I, Ihle P.
Evaluation der populationsbezogenen Integrierten Versorgung Gesundes Kinzigtal (IVGK). Ergebnisse zur Versorgungsqualität auf der Basis von Routinedaten. Zeitschrift für Evidenz, Fortbildung und Qualität im Gesundheitswesen 2016; 117: 27-37
Siegel A, Köster I, Maun AM, Niebling W, Schubert I.
Evaluation einer regionalen integrierten Vollversorgung mit GKV-Routinedaten – Probleme und Herausforderungen. Public Health Forum 2016; 24: 17-21
Hildebrand H, Pimperl A, Schulte T, Hermann C, Riedel H, Schubert I, Köster I, Siegel A, Wetzel M.
Triple Aim: Evaluation in der Integrierten Versorgung Gesundes Kinzigtal – Gesundheitszustand, Versorgungserleben und Wirtschaftlichkeit. Bundesgesundheitsblatt - Gesundheitsforschung - Gesundheitsschutz 2015; 58: 383-392