EVITA – Evidence-based multi-medication program
>Federal Joint Committee | Innovation Fund

Development of GuidelinesSupply curves
The PMV research group is involved in the EVITA-Project – Evidence-based multi-medication program with implemention in supply practice, which is funded by the Innovation Fund new forms of care by the Federal Joint Committee.
The Project EVITA aims to develop a comprehensive, effective and cost-effective care programme for patients on multiple medication, with particular attention to groups of patients at higher risk of drug-related problems. At the same time, the economic impact of multi-medication will be assessed on the basis of doctor contacts, hospital stays or other benefit claims.
Therefore, a comprehensive overview of the existing and demonstrably successful treatment concepts will be developed first. Then risk constellations are identified on the basis of available pseudonymised health insurance data. Disease groups and situations that are affected by a higher risk of drug-related problems are presented. At the same time, the economic effects of multi-medication are assessed. This is done by, among others, taking into account doctor contacts, hospital stays or other service claims. The results provide detailed indications for a more demand-oriented care in everyday life in the future.
Along with the Guidline Group Hesse and the IfA is the PMV research group, beside the analysis of claims data, involved in the updating and upgrading of the Guideline Multimedication.
Below please find the link to the S3-guideline (Short- and longversion) and the guideline report.
Duration: 2017–2020
Project partners: Prof. Dr. F. Gerlach, Dr. med. habil. C. Muth, Institute for General Medicine, University Frankfurt | Prof. Dr. W. Greiner, Faculty of Health Sciences, University Bielefeld | Dr. I. Schubert, PMV research group, University Cologne | Prof. Dr. M. Kieser, University Heidelberg
Funding reference number: 01VSF16034
Methods: Development of Guidelines, Statistical Analyses
Topics: Supply curves, Pharmacotherapy, Population health
Data: Claims data
Schubert I, Fessler J, Harder S, Dinh TS, Brueckle MS, Muth C on behalf of the EVITA Study Group.
Multimedication in Family Doctor Practices: The German Evidence-Based Guidelines on Multimedication. Pharmacoepidemiology 2022; 1: 35-48
Lappe V, Dinh TS, Harder S, Brueckle MS, Fessler J, Marschall U, Muth C, Schubert I on behalf of the EVITA Study Group.
Polypharmacy Guideline: Estimating the Percentage of Patients Eligible for Medication Review and Assessment of Their Potential Drug Safety Problems with Routine Data. Pharmacoepidemiology 2022; 1: 12-25
Dinh TS, Brueckle MS, González-González AI, Fessler J , Marschall U, Schubert-Zsilavesz M, Gerlach FM, Harder S, van den Akker M, Schubert I, Muth C.
Evidence-Based Decision Support for a Structured Care Program on Polypharmacy in Multimorbidity: A Guideline Upgrade Based on a Realist Synthesis. Journal of Personalized Medicine 2022; 12(1): 69