isPO – integrated intersectoral psycho-oncology
>Federal Joint Committee | Innovation Fund
Data preparationClaims data
Every year, more than 420.000 people in Germany contract cancer. Diagnosis and treatment are also very stressful for many of those affected emotionally and psychologically. More than half suffer from anxiety and depression, often beyond diagnosis and therapy. A stable emotional and psychosocial situation of cancer patients can support the effectiveness of medical therapies and thus the chances of recovery.
The Project isPO aims to reduce anxiety and depression among cancer patients in the inpatient and outpatient sector, to improve their psychosocial situation and to promote self-help. To this end, a psycho-oncological care programme is to be developed, implemented and evaluated.
The SHI claims data of the recruited isPO-volunteers represent a building block for the planned analysis. In this context, the PMV research group will take over the acceptance of data from the cooperating health insurance funds, plausibility and completeness checks, data preparation and the question-specific generation of statistical analysis data sets for the different evaluation units within isPO.
Duration: 2017–2021
Project partners: Clinic I for Internal Medicine, University Hospital Cologne | IMVR, University of Cologne | Haus der Krebsselbsthilfe - Bundesverband e.V. | Centrum für Integrierte Onkologie Köln, Lebenswert e.V. | Praxisgemeinschaft Internistischer Onkologie und Hämatologie Cologne | Qualitätszirkel Dermato-Onkologie Cologne | AOK Rheinland/Hamburg | BARMER | Techniker Krankenkasse
Data: Data preparation, Claims data, Data infrastructure