Estimation of the prevalence and incidence of hyperkinetic disorder and its treatment
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Disease incidenceClaims data
Various prevalence estimates are available for hyperkinetic disorder based on different data sources (nationwide health insurance funds, regional funds, survey). This is associated with different methodological approaches. Survey data on prevalence tend to underestimate prevalence due to the study design. An analysis on the basis of all insured persons is an important reference value for analyses specific to health insurance funds as well as for primary surveys.
Therefore, based on the DIMDI care data, the prevalence of hyperkinetic disorder according to age and gender in the individual years, the frequency of mental comorbidity, the treatment prevalence with stimulants and antipsychotics, the incidence of hyperkinetic disorder and the start of stimulant treatment according to incidence will be investigated.
Duration: 2015–2021
Methods: Statistical Analyses
Topics: Disease incidence, Population health, Pharmacotherapy
Data: Claims data
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