Carolin Heinen M.Sc.

>Research associate

Phone +49 221 478-85531

Short biography

2016 - 2020 I Study of Health Economics, University of Cologne (Bachelor of Science)

2019 I Nursing internship at the Children's Hospital Amsterdamer Straße, Cologne

2020 I Internship Market Access at Olympus Medical Systems, Hamburg

2020 - 2022 I Study of Health Services Research at University of Cologne (Master of Science)

2020 - 2023 I Research assistant and student trainee in the project CoRe-Net, Institute of Medical Sociology, Health Services Research and Rehabilitation Science, University of Cologne

Seit 2023 I Research associate at PMV research group, University of Cologne

Work focus

Project coordination

Systematic literature research

Analysis and processing of GKV routine data

Health services research


CoRe-Net – Cologne Research and Development Network


interdisciplinary team