Dr. Katrin Scholz M.Sc.

>Research associate


Short biography

2008 until 2010 | Study of Social Sciences at the
University of Cologne (Bachelor of Science)

2010 until 2012 | Studies of sociology and empirical social sciences at the
University of Cologne (Master of Science)

2013 until 2016 | Research assistant at the Institute for Sociology and Social Psychology at the University of Cologne

2016 until 2017 | Research associate at the Institute for Sociology and Social Psychology at the University of Cologne

2017 | Promotion to Dr. rer. pol., University of Cologne

2017 until 2020 | Study management at Pharmalink Gesellschaft für Gesundheitsforschung mbH

Since 2020 | Research associate at PMV research group

Work focus

  • Health Services Research
  • Project development and project management


  • Society for Drug Application Research and Drug Epidemiology (GAA)

Selected Publications

Scholz K, Köster I, Schubert I, Meyer I.
Verordnung von oralen Antiepileptika in Deutschland im zeitlichen Trend. Bulletin zur Arzneimittelsicherheit 2022; 2: 4-14

Link Full Text


interdisciplinary team